03 May Featured Artist – Susan Fay

What is your personal artistic motto or mission in a sentence or two?
Every painting tells a story, and I love the challenge of representing experience on canvas. Still life, portrait, landscape – even abstraction – allow us to represent, imagine, and reimagine our realities.
What are three words that describe your style?
Honestly, I don’t know! Wish I did…I feel like my style is constantly changing, often adapting to the subject matter. I have recently tried painting outer space and have had to adapt my style yet again to suit the subject matter.
Where are you coming from and how did you start your artistic journey?
After setting aside my interest in art for many years because of the demands of my career as a college teacher, I picked up a brush again about 25 years ago. I haven’t put it down again. Painting is my zen. I began by copying the masters and often return to this practice as the very best way to learn.
What inspires you to create? What holds you back?
My son is a very fine photographer, and his photos are often inspirations for my paintings. Like him, I am very aware of the importance of perfect lighting!

What is your favorite piece you have created or favorite art experience, and why?
My favorite piece is a portrait of my four grandchildren gathered, curious and intrigued, around my late ather’s portable typewriter. I loved trying to capture their absorbed expressions.
Tell us something positive that has happened to you in the last month?
As is always the case, a visit from family.

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