18 Mar Featured Artist – Paula Roman-Leon

What is your personal artistic motto or mission in a sentence or two?
From my childhood to now, my mantra is to grow with you interests and talents into something that I have never experienced before. It is an incredible journey that keeps improving every day. I like to explore subjects that interest me.
What are three words that describe your style?
I feel I really don’t have a distinct style. I enjoy doing different types of projects in many types of mediums. From painting and stain glass mosaics to cement sculptures and commercial pieces.
Where are you coming from and how did you start your artistic journey?
My artistic journey started when I was 8 years old. Paula Roman-Leon loved to draw and paint as a child and took many classes. After high school, she attended Portland School of Art 1981-1983. Known today as MECA in PORTLAND ME. There, Paula studied different types of mediums. She minored in drawing and majored in Graphic Design. After art school, she was an industry veteran in graphic design for over 20 years. After having her 4th child, she freelanced as an illustrator and designer. Paula helped with a few projects in collaboration with other artists at Nick Jr. in New York and was part of a successful 9 year running of the show called “Olivia”. That was an exciting time in my life. (And having babies.) My kids would be so happy to watch the shows. I created the setting for the characters. That was a high point in my career as a commercial artist.
What inspires you to create? What holds you back?
From my childhood to now, my mantra is to grow with your interests and talents into something that I have never experienced before. It is an incredible journey that keeps improving every day.

What is your favorite piece you have created or favorite art experience, and why?
Paula helped with a few projects in collaboration with other artists at Nick Jr. in New York and was part of a successful 9 year running of the show called “Olivia”. That was an exciting time in my life. (And having babies.) My kids would be so happy to watch the shows. I created the setting for the characters. That was a high point in my career as a commercial artist.
Tell us something positive that has happened to you in the last month?
Something that was positive in my life this month is that I’m working on some furniture pieces that are very nice to look at and there are people actually out there that enjoy them too. I’m very grateful to have this God given talent. My special me time.

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