We meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month except July and August at the Grace Presbyterian Church, 7434 Bath St, Springfield, VA 22150.  January and February are the only months we hold the meeting online via Zoom. An email is sent out a day or two before the meeting to give members a link to the Zoom meeting. Professional artists give presentations and demos at each meeting, and meetings are open to the public!


We just received the good news!!

Our history

Springfield Art Guild is a non-profit group founded in 1969 and serves the community’s interest in fine art, fine crafts and photography. We sponsor educational programs, art exhibits, juried shows, classes for adults and children, art scholarships for high school or college students, and local art events.

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Featured Artist

Chris Cardiff

Through my Art of Liberty collection, I hope to inspire and educate people about Liberty, Prosperity, and Patriotism through a combination of evocative images and powerful quotes.

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